Billion Capture Plus
Flipkart phone with SD625
There's also a global version now for only 65€ that can be found via Chinese resellers which is a bargain.
According to 4pda the Bootloader seems unlocked since a user was alble to flash mido TWRP with no working touchscreen unfortunately.
The phone has been updated to Oreo with Camera2api enabled which makes Gcam ports work well
Unfortunately there no official downloadable firmware, unbrick guides or custom ROMs, which is surprising...
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Flipkart phone with SD625
There's also a global version now for only 65€ that can be found via Chinese resellers which is a bargain.
According to 4pda the Bootloader seems unlocked since a user was alble to flash mido TWRP with no working touchscreen unfortunately.
The phone has been updated to Oreo with Camera2api enabled which makes Gcam ports work well
Unfortunately there no official downloadable firmware, unbrick guides or custom ROMs, which is surprising...
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